Wellness . Healing . Growing

Balance . Support . Well-Being
Whether you are just starting out and want to learn the basics or are seeking advanced techniques to support specific functions physically or emotionally, I can coach you in developing wonderful techniques and successful experiences with Essential Oils. I can teach you how to incorporate these powerful tools into your everyday life to support your family’s specific needs.
I offer virtual and in-person classes for all experience levels in both individual and group formats. Topics can be tailored to your specific needs or the needs of the class.
Looking for a fun, hands-on experience? My make-and-take classes feature various blending techniques in a fun, hands-on atmosphere in your home or facility. Part education, part hands-on mixology, everyone will leave with something fun they made themselves as well as samples to experiment with at home!
I’d love to partner with you! If you'd like to host a class, you will receive a beautiful Essential Oil diffuser and my favorite reference book as a thank you gift!
Popular classes I offer:
Essential Oils 101 – Getting Started with Essential Oils: This class is perfect for beginners to understand how to safely incorporate the power of Essential Oils into their everyday life. You will learn about what Essential Oils are, how to properly dilute for safety and how to apply.
Essential Oils for Kids: Kids can benefit greatly from Essential Oils! Learn how to support their growing bodies physically and emotionally.
Essential Oils for Emotional Support: Our olfactory senses are directly tied to our emotions as well as so many basic body systems. Learn how Essential Oils can support emotional phases we face every day. Whether it’s anxiety, grief, anger, trauma, joy, passion, or hope, learn how to support yourself and your loved ones through them all.
Essential Oils for Hormone Support: Hormones control so many aspects of our physical and emotional bodies. Learn simple ways that Essential Oils can support healthy hormone function in your body.
Reducing Toxic Load in Your Home: We all hear about “clean living” and “detoxing your home”, but what does it actually mean? Learn simple, effective ways to make small changes in your home to create a big impact in your family’s overall wellness.
Essential Oils are not regulated by the FDA. Essential Oils are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent disease. As a Wellness Advocate and Lifestyle Coach, my guidance should not serve as a diagnosis, medical advice or as a medical second opinion and should not replace a doctor's care or instruction. My role is to offer support and help you incorporate better habits and lifestyle tools into your everyday life.

I have worked for over 15 years in the natural food industry and am passionate about the power of food and the impact that reducing our toxic load can have on our overall wellness. I am an expert in clean eating education, special diet transitions, and reducing toxic load with simple swaps in your daily home and body care routines.
I offer:
Special Diet Education: I can show you how to shop for your dietary needs and convert your favorite recipes to suit your new lifestyle.
Pantry Makeovers: We can clean out your cupboards then shop your favorite store together. I will teach you easy, budget-friendly swaps, how to real labels, and what else is available out there that you may not be aware of.
Reducing Your Toxic Load: Whether it’s personal-care products or everyday household products, the average American is inundated with 80+ chemicals every day. I can teach you some simple, effective ways to reduce your toxic load and what to look for when you’re shopping. From simple starter swaps like household cleaning products to the more personal transitions like body care, deodorant, makeup and hair color, we can get you as far down the path as you’re looking to go.

Renew . Reflect . Recharge
I am a Certified Reiki Practitioner, a Certified Angel Guide, and a skilled intuitive using tools such as Oracle Cards and Tarot to provide personalized readings. I incorporate dowsing, sound healing, crystals, aromatherapy, Angels and Spirit Guides into my healing practice.
Whether you’re looking to receive an intuitive reading, an energetic clearing & “tune-up”, or a more in-depth Reiki session, we will work together to develop a program that is tailored to your specific needs.
Essential Oils are not regulated by the FDA. Essential Oils are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent disease. As a Wellness Advocate and Lifestyle Coach, my guidance should not serve as a diagnosis, medical advice or as a medical second opinion and should not replace a doctor's care or instruction. My role is to offer support and help you incorporate better habits and lifestyle tools into your everyday life.
Safety is always my first priority. All consultations, healing sessions and classes can be done over the phone or over a video platform such as Zoom and have been extremely successful. If you prefer an in-person session, I require that masks be worn for the duration of the session, regardless of vaccination status. I will provide hand and surface sanitizing options for all in attendance. Thank you for your understanding and partnership to help keep everyone safe!